We always hear about self care and healthy lifestyle and for everyone it is different but for all of us it is so important.
We hope you can join us:
Creating an experience for everyone to come out and talk to other people who are passionate about what they do and helping people in a friendly and positive energy environment!!!
We will be rolling out more details soon but we hope you will save the date and come and take part in this great community event!
We will start the day with Morning Flow Yoga (there will be a limit to this event…we will setup an eventbrite page for preregistration) in the front of the Local Food Hall at 8:00am followed by the rest of the market and events starting at 9:00!!
There will be:
Demos from Local gyms throughout the day
Health & Wellness pop ups
Producers set up with samples of their products
We will also be serving a Brunch in the Local Food Hall Kitchen from 10:00-3:00 and Everyday Kitchen will be open their regular hours!!